System shock 2 picture code
System shock 2 picture code

system shock 2 picture code

After throwing up from all that radiation I entered the room to my right (inset) where I found a log from Delacroix. The one on the left is flooded with radiation (inset) but had 21 and 19 nanites on the floor and 6 armor piercing bullets on the dead body. Turning back and going down the corridor there's a camera and two rooms. System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 357 The doorless design allows your superiors to make sure you are not wasting time reading on the john. Unisex and spacious, they make an ideal place to store dead bodies full of annelid worms and you can even cram up to 17 nanites on the dead body. System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 356 The room just in front of this one (inset) has a security crate with 52 nanites, a log from Murdoch and a replicator. Remember this location as we'll need to enter Athletics later on. In the next room to my left I find a security console and another log from Yang.

system shock 2 picture code

System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 355 As I continue down the corridor, I find 6 standard bullets in a trashcan. In the art terminal I get part of a code, 10 (inset). The safe contains a surgical bed key as well as 10 prisms. On the other side of the counter I find a log from Yang and a psi hypo. System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 354 They evidently missed my prior evolution theory class, so I'm happy to repeat myself. I turn right and spot upgrade stations as I hear more ducts collapsing. System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 353 The body has a dead power cell we'll need later on, as well as another game. Past the door I find my first dead body as Shodan briefs me. System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 352 I get rid of them and turn left since there's no other way out.

system shock 2 picture code

I pick up the anti-personnel shells from the bench and leave the window, inspired and star-struck! As I move forward some ducts collapse and worms crawl out. We learn that this guy is actually Cortez. Wow, let's hope this level is a bit less crowded than ops! As I leave the elevator I look right to the window to witness an Oscar-worthy performance by none other than Ken Levine himself! Well. Recreational System Shock 2 Walkthrough - System Shock-2 351 You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.

System shock 2 picture code